Presentación del Centro de Investigación de Migraciones de la Universidad de Huelva
NUEVA WEB del Proyecto Arcka
Ya está en marcha la nueva web del Proyecto Arcka
NUEVO LIBRO: Aportaciones positivas de la inmigración
Publicado el libro Las aportaciones positivas de la inmigración: miradas desde Andalucía.
Convocatoria para realizar una investigación sobre la Historia de ESREA
(HI)STORY OF ESREA CALL FOR A RESEARCH PROPOSAL Submission date: 1st March 2012 To celebrate 20 years of the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA) the Steering Committee is making a call for a research proposal titled ‘(Hi)story of ESREA’. The Steering Committee invites researchers to send a proposal which will look at all the dimensions of the activities of ESREA. This includes its members, participants at conferences, the identity of the organization, its networks, rules, and its approach and structure in the context of a changing European life. The main goal of this proposal is to present and outline the continuities, changes and transformations of this European organization through academic research and critical reflections by analyzing the ideas, goals, history, stories, facts and other significant elements and contexts of the 20 years of the society’s life. The study should be undertaken by an experienced researcher and a written report produced. This will be presented at the Triennial ESREA Conference September 2013. The time period for the research is 12 months (31/07/2012 – 31/ 07/2013). The Steering Committee of ESREA has allocated 10.000 euro for one or more accepted project(s). The procedure of choosing the research proposal(s) will be made anonymously by Steering Committee experts. Steering Committee members cannot put in a research bid. The research proposal should be a maximum of 5 pages. Please send your proposal to the Secretary of ESREA ; deadline: 1st March 2012 Please send the following information on two separate sheets: (1) Author(s): CV, the list of main publications, research experiences (2) The proposal outline should include: the research questions, context, methodology,
Proyecto In Emplea
El proyecto In Emplea, enmarcado en el programa Euroempleo del Servicio Andaluz de Empleo, con la cofinanciación del Fondo Social Europeo, tiene como objetivo específico elaborar un marco analítico, metodológico e institucional, a modo de propuesta, que facilite la articulación de la gestión de la extranjería y la inmigración por la comunidad autónoma andaluza en el marco de la competencia ejecutiva recogida en el artículo 62 del Estatuto de Autonomía de Andalucía. In-Emplea está dirigido por el miembro del ESEI, Juan Carlos Andreo Tudela.
Rizoma Freireano 11
Ya está disponible el número 11 de Rizoma Freireano
Rizoma Freireano
Ya está disponible el número 11 de Rizoma Freireano en homenaje a Isabel López Górriz.
Arcka Project
Assessing competencies and certifying knowledge acquisition. Human capital of children of foreign origin in education and training in Europe (ARCKA: JLS/2009/EIFX/CA/8809)
Fifth International Popular Education Network Conference
23 a 25 de Septiembre de 2011 Pabellón de México. Universidad de Sevilla
Presentación del libro II Congreso Internacional África Occidente
Campus de la Merced, Universidad de Huelva, 17 horas
Acciones de Documento