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Trabajos desarrollados y publicaciones

En esta sección detallamos algunas de nuestras actividades recientes y publicaciones en torno a Big Data, Social Media & Society

Artículos científicos y presentaciones en congresos

Gualda, E. & Rebollo, C. (2016): "Tuiteando sobre los refugiados: Una comparación internacional de discursos, imaginarios y representaciones sociales". IX Congresso Portugûes de Sociología. Portugal, território de territórios. Facultade de Economía da Universidade do Algarve, Faro 6-8 julio 2016 (http://www.aps.pt/ix_congresso/). Forthcoming.

Rebollo, C. & Gualda, E. (2016): "Twitter y la crisis de los refugiados. Análisis de los discursos en España." IX Congresso Portugûes de Sociología. Portugal, território de territórios. Facultade de Economía da Universidade do Algarve, Faro 6-8 julio 2016 (http://www.aps.pt/ix_congresso/). Forthcoming.

Gualda, E. & Rebollo, C. (2016): "Refugees Crisis in Twitter: Diversity of Discourses at an European Crossroads". Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. Forthcoming. In http://www.cieo.pt/discussion_papers_editions.php(ISSN: 2183-1912).

Gualda, E. & Rebollo, C. (2016): "Refugees Crisis in Twitter: Diversity of Discourses at an European Crossroads". Interdisciplinarity in Human and Social Sciences Internacional Congress, Faro 5th-6th May 2016 (http://cieo15.wix.com/interdiscip). Awarded with the prize "Best Conference Paper".

Rebollo, C. & Gualda, E. (2016): "Multiplicity and contrasting Discourses about Refugees in Twitter through the Spanish case". Interdisciplinarity in Human and Social Sciences Internacional Congress, Faro 5th-6th May 2016 (http://cieo15.wix.com/interdiscip). http://hdl.handle.net/10272/12089

Rebollo, C. (2016): "La crisis de los refugiados en twitter: discursos, imaginarios y representaciones sociales". II Seminario de Investigación "Big Data, Social Media and Society", Universidad de Huelva 20 abril 2016.

Gualda, Estrella; Borrero, Juan D.; Carpio, Jose (2014): “La ‘Spanish Revolution’ en Twitter (2): Redes de hashtags (#) y actores individuales y colectivos respecto a los desahucios en España”. Redes. Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales. Aceptado, próxima publicación  (diciembre). En http://revista-redes.rediris.es (ISSN: 1579-0185).

Gualda, E.; Borrero, J.D.; Carpio, J. (2014): “La 'Spanish Revolution' en Twitter (2): Redes de hashtags (#) y actores individuales y colectivos respecto a los desahucios en España". VII Congreso Andaluz de Sociología, Málaga 6-8 de noviembre de 2014 (www.congresosociologiamalaga.com).

Borrero, J.D., Gualda, E., Carpio, J. (2014). “Hyperlink Formation in Social Bookmarking Systems: Who is Who Online?” En 1st European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN). Barcelona. 3 de julio de 2014 (1-4 Julio).

Gualda, Estrella (2014): “Beyond Interdisciplinarity: Advanced Methods and Techniques creating Science”. In 1st IMASS conference, Methods and Analyses in Social Sciences, 23-24 April 2014, Olhão, Portugal, http://imass.ca/imass/conference.

Gualda, E., Borrero, J.D., Carpio, J. (2014). “The Spanish Revolution in Twitter (2): Networks of hashtags and individual/ collective actors in the anti-Evictions social movement in Spain”. En 1st European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN). Barcelona. 4 de julio de 2014 (1-4 Julio).

Carpio, J., Gualda, E., Borrero, J.D. (2014). “An Algorithm for automatically coding Big Data extracted from Twitter: getting ready for the analysis of more than one million tweets concerning a competition on TV”. En 1st European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN). Barcelona. 4 de julio de 2014 (1-4 Julio).

Gualda, Estrella; Borrero, Juan D.; Carpio, Jose (2014): “The Spanish Revolution in Twitter (1): Hashtags, Escraches and Anti – Evictions social movement in Spain”. In 1st IMASS conference, Methods and Analyses in Social Sciences, 23-24 April 2014, Olhão, Portugal, http://imass.ca/imass/conference.

Carpio, Jose; Borrero, Juan; Gualda, Estrella (2014): “What Happen After Crawling Big Data?: Defining a Process of Filtering and automatically Coding extracted Big Data from Twitter for Social Uses”. In 1st IMASS conference, Methods and Analyses in Social Sciences, 23-24 April 2014, Olhão, Portugal, http://imass.ca/imass/conference.

Borrero, Juan D.; Gualda, Estrella; Carpio, Jose (2014): “Production of New Knowledge Through Automated Big Data Extraction from Social Bookmarking Systems and Analising of the Resulting Network: The Case of the Network of the Globalisation of Agriculture in Delicious”. In 1st IMASS conference, Methods and Analyses in Social Sciences, 23-24 April 2014, Olhão, Portugal, http://imass.ca/imass/conference.

Borrero, J.D. y Gualda, E. (2013). “Crawling big data in a new frontier for socioeconomic research: testing with social tagging”. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics - Discussion Papers, 12, pp.6-28. En http://ideas.repec.org/p/ris/cieodp/2013_007.html. ISSN: 1647-3183.

Borrero, J.D. y Gualda, E. (2012): “Tagging Society through the Web and Crawling big data for Social Uses: Method and implications”.  En VI Congreso Andaluz de Sociología. “La Constitución de las Sociedades”. Cádiz 29, 30 de noviembre y 1 de diciembre de 2012.

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