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Diverse Project. Final International Conference

11 June, 2015 in Milan (Italia) at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Diverse. Diversity Improvement as a Viable Enrichment Resource for Society and Economy

The Diverse Project Final International Conference will be held at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan (Italia) on June 11 2015. Diverse, Diversity Improvement, as a Viable Enrichment Resource for Society and Economy (HOME/201213/EIFX/CA/CFP400000424) is an European Project financed by the European Comission. Home Affairs. Call for proposal "European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals 2007/2013 - Community Actions".

This project, in which the University of Huelva and our research center have been involved, tried to promote in the EU a new, more effective model of integration through the enhancement of multi-stake holder practices able to valorize third countries migrants’ potential for the social and economic development of their receiving society. Special attention is paid to the interweavement between ethno-national diversity and individual differences related to gender, age and disability, in order both to monitor the risks of intersectional discrimination and to identify new policies and measures for activating third country nationals’ (TCNs) participation in the EU.

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Universidad de Huelva

Universidad de Huelva

Sede principal de nuestro Grupo de Investigación, que se encuentra en la Facultad de Trabajo Social

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