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Conferencia invitada de Gökçe Güvercin: "Approaches to Qualitative Research: Conducting a Biographical Narrative Interview"

La conferencia, enmarcada en el ciclo de Seminarios "V Miércoles con COIDESO", tendrá lugar en la Universidad de Huelva, en el Edificio COIDESO, Campus El Carmen (Sala de usos múltiples), el miércoles 19 de febrero de 2020, a las 16 horas

Gökçe Güvercin: Biographical Sketch

Seminario de Gökçe Güvercin

Dr. Gökçe Güvercin is an assistant professor at Maltepe University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences, İstanbul, Turkey. She took her doctoral degree from Adult Education in 2014, from Boğaziçi University, İstanbul, Turkey.  The title of her doctoral dissertation is “Informal workplace practices and learning experiences of permanent and hourly - paid teachers: A comparative study” (in English, downloadable).  During doctoral studies, she worked with Prof. Arnd-Micheal Nohl, from Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg, Germany. She attended several workshops of Prof. Nohl, learned and applied in her dissertation (the qualitative analysis method) the Documentary Method. She is the author of two-book chapters “Interpretation of Biographical Narrative Interviews with the Documentary Method” (in Turkish) with Prof. Nohl, and Biographical Researches and Biographical Narrative Interviews (in Turkish). Also, the author book chapter “Fundamental Transformation of Teaching Profession: Hourly Paid Teachers” (in Turkish).  Currently, she is the coordinator of the research project funded by Maltepe University, with the title “Developmental and Affective Side of Learning: Learning Experiences of Emerging Adults, A Biographical Approach”. Also working on the articles with the titles “Enhancing Self-Directed Learning Through Community Involvement/Societal Services Course: An Andragogy Model Proposal” and “The Analysis of Learning Experiences of Emerging Adults in Community Involvement Course in terms of Transformative Learning Theory”. She is one of the international accredited “Triple P Positive Parenting Program” Group and Seminar Provider. She gives courses in Educational Sciences Department, Maltepe University on Adult Development and Learning, Psychology of Education, Community Involvement Practices, Parental Education, Values and Character Education. Her research areas as qualitative research, transformative learning, adult learning, service learning, self-directed learning, developmental issues in learning, parental education.. 


In the 1970s, Schütze developed a model for an open narrative form of interviewing (Schütze, 1977; cited in Apitzsch & Siouti, 2007, p.4). Schütze’s method involves the narrative interview which merges the objective features of a subject's life with the subjective meanings attached to life experiences through combining narrative interviewing, elements of objective hermeneutics, and the grounded-theory approach to sampling and theory building developed by Glaser and Strauss and Strauss (Denzin, 1989). A useful and clear description of how Schütze’s method has to be carried out is presented by Gabrielle Rosenthal (2003; 2004).

The Biographical Narrative-Interview is an interview technique developed by German scholar Fritz Schütze (1983). Through developing this interview technique, Schütze developed a “model for an open narrative form of interviewing and a procedure for analyzing narrative texts within the area of sociolinguistic theory” (Schütze 1977; cited in Apitzsch & Siouti, 2007, p. 4). The fundamental idea of the biographical-narrative interview is “to generate a spontaneous autobiographical narration which is not structured by questions posed by the interviewer but by the narrator’s structures of relevance” (Apitzsch & Siouti, 2007). The objective of the interview technique is “to allow the individual to relate how he or she has experienced certain life history processes and his or her own life history” (p. 4). Rosenthal (2004) notes:

    • “in biographical research we look at the experiences preceding and following the phenomenon in question, and the order in which they occurred. The point is to reconstruct social phenomena in the process of becoming. This applies both to processes of creation and reproduction of established structures and to processes of transformation. When reconstructing a past (the life history) presented in the present of a life narrative (the life story) it must be considered that the presentation of past events is constituted by the present of narrating” (p. 50).

In the workshop, the process for conducting a biographical narrative interview will be denoted. Then skills for asking narrative questions will be practiced with the participants.

After the workshop, for the interested participants, the analysis of biographical narrative interviews, brief information about the Documentary Methods, the preliminary findings of the research using these methods will be shared. 

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