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Diversity Improvement as a Viable Enrichment Resource for Society and Economy (HOME/201213/EIFX/CA/CFP4000004248)

This project has been financed by the European Comission. Home Affairs. Call for proposal "European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals 2007/2013 - Community Actions".

Project Leader:

Laura Zanfrini. Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy.

Project Coordinator in Spain:

Estrella Gualda. University of Huelva


Catholic University of the Sacred heart (Milan, IT)
Universidad de Huelva - UHU (ES)
Karlshochschule International University - KIU (DE)
Menedek Hungarian Association for Migrants - MENEDEK (HU)
Facultade de Cienciais Sociais e Humanas - Universidade Nova de Lisboa - FCSH-UNL (PT)
Stichting Katholieke Universiteit - SKU (NL)
Universitet Lodzki - Wydzialnauk Geograficznych - Institut Geografii Miast Y Turizmu - UL (PL)
University of Tartu - UTARTU (EE)
Vaasan Yliopisto Levon Instituutti - LEVON (FI)
Umea University - UMEA (SE)
Fondazione per le Iniziative e lo Studio sulla Multietnicità - ISMU (Foundation) (IT)
Federazione Regionale lombarda Società San Vincenzo de Paoli - SAN VINCENZO (IT)
Associazione Nazionale Oltre le frontiere - Anolf Lombardia - ANOLF (IT)
Commission for Filipino Migrant Workers - CFMW (Foundation) (NL)

Researchers at the University of Huelva:

Estrella Gualda (Project Coordinator).
Juan Carlos González Faraco
Juan Ramón Jiménez Vicioso
Heliodoro Pérez Moreno
Octavio Vázquez Aguado

Research Collaborators

Inmaculada Iglesias Villarán
Carolina Rebollo Díaz
Faculty of Social Work - Faculty of Education
Department of Sociology and Social Work - Department of Education

Associate Partners

Acento Web
Federación Andalucía Acoge
Fundación AFIES


18 months (15/ 12/ 2013 – 14 /06/ 2015).

Overall objective

Promoting in the EU a new, more effective model of integration through the enhancement of multi-stake holder practices able to valorize third countries migrants’ potential for the social and economic development of their receiving society. Special attention will be paid to the interweavement between ethno-national diversity and individual differences related to gender, age and disability, in order both to monitor the risks of intersectional discrimination and to identify new policies and measures for activating third country nationals’ (TCNs) participation in the EU.

Actions envisaged by the University of Huelva

Collection and examination of empirical material for enhancing available knowledge on key aspects of the issues addressed: existing practices of Diversity Management in profit, no profit and public organisations; existing practices for the recognition of migrants’ formal, non formal, and informal competences; and existing practices of involvement of TCNs in no profit organisations. In these fields, a comparative analysis is carried out on a EU scale.


Through several workshops on a national level, an international conference, and the diffusion of scientific reports and policy briefs, the indications and recommendations emerging from the actions of this project will be disseminated in the EU. the dissemination plan revolves around the active involvement of actors and organisations participating, with various roles, in the project activities.


These actions will produce a set of results contributing to promote a more positive image of TCNs as potential development agents and to “rejuvenate” the European integration model.

Acento Web, S.L.

Acento Web, S.L.

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